Have you met Blessing before? 🦎 If you follow me on my personal social media page, you've probably seen her adorable face! For those new to her story, let me introduce you. 🌟
In October 2020, I came across this tiny little bearded dragon in a safe, contained space because she wasn't doing very well with her clutch (a group of eggs and their offspring are frequently called a clutch). 🥚
You see, Blessing was born within a week or so before that, and while her dragon siblings were thriving, she wasn't. She wasn't eating, and it seemed like she had given up on her purpose of being here. 😔
I asked the owner of the place I was at if I could help, and he sent me home with this beautiful soul in bearded dragon form, complete with a terrarium, lights, and food. He asked me to keep encouraging her to eat, even just a little bit, because if she could begin to eat, she could start to feel better. 🌱

So, this tiny dragon, with no name yet, and I ventured home—she in her little box of safety and me with all of her physical needs. (I'm truly grateful to Chris at Niagara Exotics for setting me up and caring for this beautiful soul in this way!) 🏡
Once we were home and I had her terrarium, heat, lights, and all the physical requirements set into place, through animal communication, this beautiful scaly gal and I had a chat. 💬
I officially introduced myself to her and asked if she wanted to live. How I worded this to her was, "I'm here to help if you want me to. Can I ask you: Is your life purpose complete, little one?" To which I heard back, "No, but I don't know what my purpose is." 🤔
So we continued sharing energetically with each other, heart to heart. With some very specific questions, this beautiful girl tried to eat some squash. 🍠
She was so tiny, she fit in the palm of my hand! And despite how weak she was, she still tried to suck the juices from that tiny piece of squash. She was trying! 🌟
We then had another chat together, and this time, something came through me to say, "Little one, did you know that you are a blessing to me? I think you are a blessing to this world too! How do you feel about that?" 🙏
I felt a response of curiosity, and a message came back from her as if to say, "I didn't know that! I am?" 🤗
To which I responded, "Yes, you are! Can I ask you again if your purpose is completed here, or do you have more to do in your lifetime as a bearded dragon?" 🌈
This scaly, beautiful, tiny being replied, "I am a blessing!" And from there on in, that became her name! 🌿
Blessing tried really hard to eat, and each day grew stronger. She continued stepping into her purpose and has grown into the most amazing and beautiful creature in bearded dragon form! 🌱
She just awoke from a 3-month brumation, and we took a few photos together. Here she is! Isn't she beautiful? 📸🦎

Blessing is here to help others step into their journey in this thing we call life! And she's here to help you if you'd like her to! 🌟
It's a pleasure to have you meet each other.
Do you have questions or anything to share? Reach out any time!